Residential checks: If you are going to be away from your residence for a period of time (vacation, hospital and etc.) a form can be filled out at the police department and the officers will check your residence daily.
Business Checks: A police officer checks a series of business buildings daily. This includes walking around them, and checking that the doors are secured. As a business owner it is important that your emergency contact list is updated at the Portland Police Department.
School Safety: The department has two officers that are certified through the Indiana Department of Education as School Safety Specialists. These officers have been trained and attend continued training yearly. The department tries to visit every school building in the city daily. Our department also has two A.L.I.C.E. (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) trained instructors. This has allowed the department to team up with the schools and provide training.
Training: The department has three Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board Certified Instructors. One officer also holds certification to instruct firearms and defensive tactics. Another officer holds another certification to instruct E.V.O.C. (Emergency Vehicle Operations Course). Our department has trained officers from several other departments all over the state of Indiana.
Child Safety Technicians: The department has three nationally certified Child Safety Technicians. These officers have worked closely with our local Pregnancy Care Center. They have also donated several hours across the state, assisting with Child Safety inspections.